Team Jade have resurrected the Delta Force franchise and have released a preview on STEAM of a modern version of Delta Force to play. Available on to download on Steam

Team Jade have resurrected the Delta Force franchise and have released a preview on STEAM of a modern version of Delta Force to play. Available on to download on Steam
Not saying the clan are all of the older generation, but kudos to the visitor that is still using a BlackBerry to visit the site! Thought I was the only one still running such a beast!
There has been awful lot has happened since the original hawks packed up their kit and settled down into domestic life, swapping Medic Packs for nappies, Rifles for 7-seaters and MRE rations for home cooked meals and Sunday lunches.
However the spirit of the Hawkies live on, and many of us have kept in touch and the odd visit, so seems fitting to resurrect the old website and reminist about good times and maybe arrange new fun times after a truly horrid 2020 for many people and a uncertain future for 2021 for others.
Enjoy a trip back down memory lane and see what made the gaming headlines in the early 2000’s. The Meets, in Holland (2002, 2004, Sweden 2003, and the U.K, 2005. The TimeZone Warriors (TZW) Tunnel Tourney in 2002 and epic battles in DF2, DFLW, BHD, and Joint Operations. I’ll upload a bit more history each month as I manage to convert the “BabStats” and ClanBase libraries into a more modern format.
to announce that -THE- has withdrawn from the battlefield. Joint Operations was one campaign too far and took a heavy toll on all the players. As such we have decided to rest our weary bodies and await the next NL game.
Many have left the battlefield already and are plying their trade in the lands of Azeroth in the World of Warcraft,
And a few brave and hardy souls have joined the little known Dutch Foreign Legion outfit aka The Dutch Alliance ( formerly ) to continue the fighting in Indonesia and in the International Conflict that is brewing.
In short, THE will no longer be playing matches, but the spirit of THE will live on ready to recommence battle when the call comes.
Another instalment of the Hawkie awards round-up gives tribute to the Bunny of the year aka Kelly.
Also one of the most highly contested awards was for slacker of the year. Competition was tough, but some peeps actually worked to hard to appear the biggest slacker, but in the end those that took things in their stride came through and this year the award goes to Sonic
Another award that almost ended up being a group effort due to the amount of so called helpers was the award for Best Chef. Although the BBQ was the focal point of the meet, the award was rightly deserved by Becky who fed us for the remainder of the week that most of us stayed for.
Time stands still for no man, not even a mouse, so its with great pleasure that Aeolus and Beeps welcome MAUS into the 30+ Club. Its been a long time coming, but we are certain he will start to show signs of being older and wiser any time soon.
So all that is left is for us all to wish the old git, a Happy Birthday!
News of the Squads 2005 spreads to far flung galaxies and everyone wants to come to Druids Farm.
On the day that it was announced London will host the 2012 Olympics, a few failed Armchair Athletes mistake the year and arrive somewhat early. The Good news is that we have survived the 1st Viking invasion of 1610, but will need to prepare our defences for Jutes, Saxons and Viking Wannabees scheduled for tomorrow. Druid and AO will be waiting at Bristol Airport, Stingers tucked under their arms, ready to welcome the next set of guests to this years Squad Meet