Nederlands – THE first Meet – 20 Years On!

Where are they now? Hurri and Beeps kindly hosted the first official pan-European meet up. Many of the hawkies travels miles by plane and ferry to meet up in Freisland and joined by Brachious and Nedfox from our friends at the TimeZone Warriors.

6 thoughts to “Nederlands – THE first Meet – 20 Years On!”

  1. was it really that long ago! 4 still standing and in semi-regular contact… .if not for Covid and UK travel chaos a mini-reunion might have been feasible. Roll out 2025 when its the 20 year anniversary of Meet Wales when many more attended.

  2. Greetings soldiers.

    Here a short message from your former XO THE_T=THE=.

    Good to see you guys are still alive and well . I’m not MIA anymore 😛
    Got captured by a foreign entity, but managed to break free.

    How’s everyone doing in 2024 ?
    To bad I couldn’t make it then @ the BBQ.
    I remember having Beefy and few others staying at my place that weekend.
    Love to talk and see ya again some day.
    Who’s going to get the 2024 edition of Delta Force? I can’t wait to see and play it.

    You can contact me with the same E-mail I got for 35+ years now. (Damn we are getting old).
    I bet we got some grandpa’s and grandma’s in the platoon now… LOL
    It was hard to find ya all after loosing all my contacts.
    Hope to see ya soon in the battlefields or in real life

    Peace and Love
    THE_T= THE=

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